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Full Story


At TradeFitness Options, we are committed to transforming the perception of stock and options trading in marginalized communities. Many are told, "you can only be successful at sports or entertainment" and that is simply not true. We believe that trading can change that by creating opportunities for financial freedom and personal growth. We are excited to be operating as a nonprofit organization powered by Options Holic Media and our goal is to bring awareness about this field to communities that have been traditionally overlooked. Join us and lets build generational wealth, become leaders, and make a difference in our communities!

A man pointing at his laptop screen

Options Basics link


At TradeFitness Options, we are all about building a community of traders who value wealth building, financial discipline, healthy lifestyle, and strong family values. Our mission is to empower individuals with education tools for options trading, while fostering a network of like-minded individuals who believe in reinvesting back to their communities with resources or time. By collaborating with other traders, we can achieve success and help others achieve success as well through our mentorship program. Join us in our mission to create a global community that values financial independence.


Our vision at TradeFitness Options is to expand access of broadband internet to connect with individuals of various backgrounds throughout the U.S. and developing nations, while trading the financial markets. We strive to empower our members by providing education and mentorship strategies through trading stock options, building wealth, and promoting financial discipline. We also encourage a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and fitness, which may translates into profitable trades. 

Income strategy

Are you a beginner trader or a senior looking for minimum risk with a reliable income stream? Look no further than the

"wheel options strategy". By selling cash secured puts and covered calls for options premium, you can earn consistent income on a weekly or monthly basis. With this strategy, you can take control of your future and achieve financial independence.

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